Interview Overview

An interview is a series of interactive dialogs used to gather data from you, which Advance uses to produce a new, customized document.


Advance uses interviews to gather data from you, then uses that data to produce a new, customized document.

When you create a work item or quick document, Advance displays an interview. The interview is a series of interactive dialogs, containing question fields.  Advance generates the interview using the selected template for the work item or quick document. You then type data into the interview. Once you are finished entering data and complete the interview, Advance processes the data from the interview – along with the template – to produce a customized document. You can then download the new documents created by Advance.

Common Tasks

Among others, you will encounter interviews when you perform the following common tasks:


An interview opens immediately when you create a new work item. When you finish an interview, you can download the documents created by Advance using the data you provided. For existing work items, you can re-launch the interview, to update your answers and generate an updated document.

You will also encounter an interview when you create a new quick document.