Configuring HotDocs Advance and TAP Workflow Automation

You can configure an integration between your HotDocs Advance and TAP Workflow Automation environments.

TAP is an additional product of Mitratech. Contact your account manager if you would like to discuss enabling access to TAP.


You must have:

  • a HotDocs Advance site.
  • a TAP site.
  • the following accounts:
    • a HotDocs account with Site Administrator access to the HotDocs Auth site for your tenancy.
    • the username and password for a TAP account with permissions to initiate workflows for the TAP templates, such as a specifically-scoped account or a Super Admin account.

Additionally, request the following details from Mitratech Support:

  • your TAP client ID.
  • your TAP client secret.

To configure the integration with TAP

  1. Log in to the HotDocs Auth site.
  2. Navigate to the TAP Configuration tab in the ribbon.
  3. Select Create.
  4. Enter the following details:
    • TAP URL - the URL for your TAP site in the format https://{tenancy}.tap.thinksmart/{environment}, e.g. https://example.tap.thinksmart/prod
    • Client ID - your TAP client ID.
    • Client Secret - your TAP client secret.
    • Username - the username for the TAP account.
    • Password - the password for the TAP account.
    • Is Active - select to activate the integration.
  5. Select Test connection to check your configuration settings.
  6. Advance tests the connection. Error messages display if the connection fails.
  7. Select Save.

Your Advance site is now configured to create workflows in TAP.

To edit an existing integration with TAP

  1. Log in to the HotDocs Auth site.
  2. Navigate to the TAP Configuration tab in the ribbon.
  3. Select Edit.
  4. Update any of the configuration settings as needed.
  5. Select Test connection to check your configuration settings work.
  6. Advance tests the connection. Error messages display if the connection fails.
  7. Select Save.

Your Advance site is configured with updated settings.

Next steps: