Editing a Web Hook
Note: only users with the Integration Administrator user role can manage web hooks.
You can edit a web hook in the Web Hooks section of HotDocs Advance, accessed through the Configuration pane.
- An application endpoint to which you want to send event data
- A token used to authenticate the request sent from Advance to your application endpoint
To edit a web hook
- Name (required) – the web hook's name
- URL (required) – the URL for the endpoint to which you want Advance to send event data
- Token (required) – an access token, provided by your application; this is sent in the Authorization header of the request sent to your application endpoint from Advance. You should always authenticate requests from Advance in your own application, using this token.
- Event type (required) – select an event for the web hook from the following options:
- NewWorkItemVersionComplete – sends event data when a user completes a new work item version
- CustomInterviewEvent - sends event data when a template component is triggered in interview
- Interview Event Name (required when CustomInterviewEvent is selected) - the name of the linked variable used in the template.
- Active Status – either Active or Inactive; inactive web hooks do not send event data to your endpoint
- Untrusted SSL certificates – either Block untrusted SSL (default) or Accept untrusted SSL; accepting untrusted SSL allows the web hook to send data over HTTPS even when the SSL certificate is untrusted.
- In the Administration pane, click
Manage web hooks
- From the list of web hooks, select the web hook you wish to edit.
- In the Detail pane, click
- You can edit the following web hook details:
- Click Save changes.
Advance saves your changes to the web hook.