General Configuration Settings for the Core Assembly Service

The table below contains general configuration settings for the Core Assembly Service:

AssemblyService Web.config Settings

Key Default Value Purpose
StaticFilesCacheExpireTime 0.00:05:00 Adds a value to the HTTP header of the static files (i.e., HTML pages, CSS and JavaScript files) associated with the interview runtime. The value specifies how long a web browser should cache the static files. Set this value to the number of days, hours, minutes and seconds you want the files to remain in the browser’s cache before it should refresh them.


Images uploaded to HotDocs Advance have maximum file size of 10MB by default. Set this value to change the maximum file size. A commented-out example is provided in the setting file to guide you.

When setting a maximum file size bear the limits of IIS in mind. If a user attempts to upload an image which exceeds the maximum file size you set, Advance shows a warning stating the maximum file size. However, if a user attempts to upload an image which exceeds the maximum file size permitted by IIS, Advance shows only a generic failure warning.

You may also need to modify other settings in the Web.config file, e.g. the maximum request size and maximum content length, for this setting to work correctly.

OrphanedSessionExpireTime 1.00:00:00 The time period from when an assembly session is last accessed until it is considered to have expired. By default, this is set to 1 day. After a session is expired, it will be deleted when Core next runs a task to remove expired sessions.
CleanupCronExpression 0 */1 * * * A cron expression that determines the frequency that Core runs a task to delete expired assembly sessions. By default, this is set to every hour.

To edit the Web.config file

  1. Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
  2. Navigate to Server > Sites > Default Web Site.
  3. Right-click the AssemblyService node.
  4. Select Explore.
  5. Edit the Web.config file using a text editor application.
  6. Edit the settings listed in the Web.config settings table above.
  7. Save your changes.