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Creating a User Group

You can create a new user group in the Administration section of HotDocs Advance.

You must have a Site Administrator role to create a new user group.

To create a user group

  1. In the Administration section, click  Manage user groups
  2. In the upper-right corner of the screen, click  Create new user group.
  3. Enter the following user group details:
    • Name (required)the user group's name.
    • Description (optional) – a description of the user group.
    • User group active status – select the User group active checkbox to set the state to active (default); users cannot access work groups and work items in an inactive user group.
    • Members (optional) – the members of the user group. You can search for a member or select from the list.
  4. Click Create.

The new group appears in the User groups list.