Configuring a Separate Core Assembly Service for the Client Interviews Application

You can configure the Client Interview application to use your Advance Core Assembly Service, or install a second Core Assembly Service specifically to handle client interviews. You use a second Core Assembly Service to protect the data in your primary installation.


When using a separate Core Assembly Service for the Client Interview application:

  • client interviews are created by the Core Assembly Service associated with the Client Interview application.
  • client interview links use the Core Assembly Service associate with the Client Interview application.


The following diagrams illustrate possible configurations of the Client Interview application:

Figure 1 Configuration of the Client Interview Application sharing a Core Assembly Service

Figure 2 Configuration of the Client Interview Application with separate Core Assembly Services

To install the client interview application on a separate Core Assembly Service

  1. Open the Windows Command Prompt as an administrator.
  2. Navigate to the unzipped HotDocs Advance folder.
  3. Navigate to the bin folder.
  4. Type the following command:
    HdaInstaller installclientinterviews
  5. Press Enter; the installer checks the prerequisites for Advance and installs the client interview application.

The client interview application is now installed.

Checks after installing the Client Interview Application

These steps are only required if you are using a separate Core Assembly Service for the Client Interviews application.

  • Ensure network visibility between the server where the second Core Assembly Service is installed and the server where HotDocs Advance API is installed.
  • Ensure no firewall rules prevent a connection from the second Core Assembly Service to HotDocs Advance API and vice versa.
  • (Optional) If you intend to allow public access from any user's net browser, ensure no firewall rules prevent a connection from any IP addresses to the second Core Assembly Service.

If you do not intend to allow public access you can enforce limitation by IP or other means.

  • In the Client Interviews application, ensure the application settings file contains a key under AppSettings CspCustomSources containing a value indicating the domain name of the server where the second Core Assembly Service is installed.

See also: