HotDocs Advance Applications

The following table lists all the HotDocs Advance applications.

IIS name Description Example URL
HdaRoot The backend application through which site administrators manage tenancies in Advance.
HdaApi Hosts both internal and external APIs for Advance. Internal APIs are used by other Advance applications. External APIs are available to developers, to enable them to integrate Advance with their own applications. This application also interfaces with the Advance databases, hosted in SQL Server.
HdaAuth Handles user authentication and authorization for Advance. This includes both username/password authentication and authentication using Active Directory. Additionally, this application enables you to manage API client credentials, used when integrating Advance with your own applications.
HdaUi The user interface used by most end users. It enables site administrators to provision users and manage access to templates. Non-administrative users use the UI to fill interviews and assemble documents.
CoreAssembly The service that generates interviews and assembles documents, using data provided by users through the UI.
HdaClientInterviews The web application which hosts client interviews.