API Clients
To make requests to the HotDocs Advance API, you must register a client through the HotDocs Advance Auth application.
The client is an entity within Advance representing your application that needs access to the Advance API. When you use the client to make requests to the API, Advance uses the client to authenticate your request and determine if the requested action is authorized.
API calls must be enabled in your Advance tenancy by a Root Administrator.
Common Tasks
- Creating a new API client
- Editing an API client
- Viewing a client's details
- Activating and deactivating a client
- Adding a service principal to a client
When using the Advance API, you must create a client if you do not already have one. To make a request, you must first get an access token from Advance. Depending on the authorization flows your client uses, you can get an access token in the following ways:
- Getting an Access Token using the Resource Owner flow – for clients that use the Resource Owner flow
- Getting an Access Token using the Implicit flow – for clients that use the Implicit flow
The access token is then sent in the authorization header of a request to the API.