Opening a Work Item Interview
Once you create a work item, you can open a work item interview to update your answers and generate new documents. When you complete the interview, you can download any assembled documents associated with the work item.
If you open an interview and then save and exit the interview, you and other users can then resume the interview at any time. If you choose to abandon the changes, the work item reverts to last completed or saved interview and assembled documents
If you navigate away from the interview page before you click Finish, Advance saves any edits you make to your answers. In this case, the action bar displays a message alerting you and other users with access to the unfinished interview.
If another user resumes your interview and abandons their changes, the work item reverts to your saved version of the interview.
To open a work item interview
- Select a Work group from the Work groups section.
- In the Work Items list, click the Work item you want to work on.
- In the Action bar, click
Open interview.
The work item interview window displays. You can enter answer data and then save or complete the interview.
If you accidentally open an interview, you can click Finish without making any edits.