Using the API Overview

The following section offers how-to guides for common tasks that can be accomplished using the API. For those new to the API, we recommend beginning with the Recipes section, which provides step-by-step guidance for the most frequently used series of calls. 


When using the Advance API, you must create a client if you do not already have one. To make a request, you must first get an access token from Advance. Depending on the authorization flows your client uses, you can get an access token in the following ways:

The access token is then sent in the authorization header of a request to the API.

Once you have retrieved the token, you can make requests to the Advance API.

API Reference Documentation

You can view the latest reference documentation for the Advance API at, where is the domain under which your Advance deployment is located.


See Advance REST API Base URL to find the URL to which you will make API requests.

Common API Requests

Our how-to guides provide detailed instructions and examples for some of the most frequently performed tasks using the API.

If you're new to the HotDocs Advance API, the following tasks may be useful starting points: