Using the Post-assembly Processing Event Webhook to Add Documents

You may wish to add additional documents, or documents in different formats, to the assembled documents that Advance produces when you finish an interview. You can use the post processing event webhook to do this.


When you complete an interview and HotDocs Advance assembles your documents, Advance creates a set of files in the same format. The post-assembly processing webhook enables you to modify this set of documents in your own environment, then return them to Advance.

For example, if you prefer to have a document in PDF rather than .DOCX format, you use the post-assembly processing webhook to retrieve the document and return it to the work item's document set after conversion to the preferred format.

You also use this method to insert documents you supply, which did not form part of the document set assembled by Advance.


To upload documents to a work item after assembly, follow the instructions in the Using the Post-assembly Processing Event Webhook to Modify Documents topic. 

When uploading your documents from your endpoint, ensure you return the additional documents, or documents in your preferred format, in your PUT request. Take care to specify the correct MIME type for the document in the request.

You can optionally use the parameter:

Name Type Location Required Description
assembledorder String Query string No The assembled order index of the document within the work item.


The assembly order of documents is indexed from zero:

  • Specifying assembledorder=0 adds the document at the beginning of the document set.
  • Specifying assembledorder=1 inserts the document at the second position.

When inserting new documents, Advance increments existing documents up one position.

If you specify an assemblyorder number greater than the existing number of documents, the new document is inserted at the end of the document set.  

See also