Advance API Overview

The HotDocs Advance API provides you with an interface to integrate Advance functionality into your own applications. The following documentation provides a guide to the key concepts and tasks you need when using the API.


In this Topic Hide

  1. Overview
  2. API Documentation
  3. Getting started
  4. Concept Topics
  5. How To Topics
    1. Managing API Clients
    2. Using the API
    3. Working with HotDocs Answer Sets
  6. Code Examples (C#)


The HotDocs Advance API gives you access to Advance functionality, enabling you to integrate HotDocs features with your own applications. HotDocs Advance Web API is based on REST, with resource endpoints. The API uses standard HTTP verbs and response codes and returns JSON responses. Authentication is required through authorization flows and the creation of clients with credentials. Using the API, you can create, edit, and delete Advance resources (e.g. work items, users, work groups), as well as retrieving data about the resources that exist in Advance. Typical use-cases for the API include:

API Documentation

You can view the latest reference documentation for the Advance API at, where is the domain under which your Advance deployment is located.

Getting started

Concept Topics

How To Topics

Managing API Clients

Using the API

Working with HotDocs Answer Sets

Code Examples (C#)