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Creating a Work Group

You can create a new work group in the Administration pane of HotDocs Advance.

You must have a Site Administrator or Content Administrator role to create a new work group.

To create a work group

  1. In the Administration pane, click Manage Work GroupsManage work groups.
  2. In the upper-right corner of the screen, click Create new work groupCreate new work group.
  3. Enter the following work group details:
    • (Required) Name the work group's name.
    • (Optional) Description – a description of the work group.
    • Active status – either Active or Inactive; users cannot access inactive work groups.
    • All Templates status – toggle the templates used by the work group. Either:
      • Work group contains selected templates (default) – only the templates selected in the Templates tab are included in the work group
      • Work group contains all templates  – all templates uploaded to the Advance site are included in the work group
    • (Optional) Templatesselect templates to include in the work group; you cannot select templates if you selected the Work group contains selected templates option for the All Templates status.
    • (Optional) Access permissionsassign user groups access to the work group. Users in the selected user groups can assemble the templates selected above.
  4. Click Create.

The new group appears in the Work groups list.

Next steps