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Editing a User's Details

You can edit a user account in the Administration pane of HotDocs Advance.

You must have a Site Administrator role to edit a user.

To edit a user

  1. In the Administration pane, click Manage Users IconManage Users.
  2. In the list of users, click the user you wish to edit.
  3. In the Detail pane, click ResumeEdit.
  4. You can edit the following user details:
    • First name (required)the user's first name.
    • Last name (required) – the user's last name.
    • Email address (required) – used to e-mail a user with password reset instructions.
    • Administrative roles – select the appropriate user role to assign to the user.
    • Active – if disabled, users cannot log in to Advance.
  5. Click Save Changes.

The user's details are now updated.