Installation Configuration Settings

The following table lists all installation configuration settings you can edit in the HdaInstallerSettings.json file.

You should always edit the installation settings file and use the generate and upload commands to update Advance application settings. You should never edit the application settings files directly.

Name Description
AuthSiteSettings.AppSettings.LogFile The location for the Advance authorization application log files.
RootSiteSettings.AppSettings.LogFile The location for the Advance root application log files.
UiSiteSettings.AppSettings.LogFile The location for the Advance UI application log files.
ApiSiteSettings.AppSettings.LogFile The location for the Advance API application log files.
ClientInterviewsSiteSettings.AppSettings.LogFile The location for the Advance client interviews application log files.
ApiSiteSettings.AppSettings.ClientInterviewsAssemblyServiceUrl The URL for the HotDocs Core Assembly Service that will be used by the client interviews application. The service is used to generate interviews and assemble documents. This setting is only required if you wish to have a separate Core Assembly Service deployed on a different location. When specified this setting takes precedence over all other settings specifying a Core Assembly Service Url when running the client interviews application. Please review this section for the extra configuration needed to enable this feature. You should install the Core Assembly Service before deploying Advance. See Get the HotDocs Core Assembly Service URL for more information.
ClientInterviewSiteSettings.ClientInterviewsClientCredentials.ClientName The client used for the client interview application. When installing the Client Interviews application on a separate server, this property must remain the same across both installations.
ClientInterviewSiteSettings.ClientInterviewsClientCredentials.ClientSecret The secret used for the client interview application. When installing the Client Interviews application on a separate server, this property must remain the same across both installations.
ClientInterviewSiteSettings.ClientInterviewsClientCredentials.PrincipalName The principal user for the client interview application. When installing the Client Interviews application on a separate server, this property must remain the same across both installations.
ClientInterviewSiteSettings.ClientInterviewsClientCredentials.PrincipalPassword The password used for the client interview application. When installing the Client Interviews application on a separate server, this property must remain the same across both installations.
ApiSiteSettings.AppSettings.GuestInterviewsUrl The URL for the client interviews web application.
AuthSiteSettings.AppSettings.GuestInterviewsUrl The URL for the client interviews web application.
AppDomain The full domain under which Advance is installed. This should be the same as the host used for your HTTPS binding in IIS.
AuthUrl URL for the Advance authorization application. You should update the URL to include the domain under which Advance is deployed.
ApiUrl URL for the Advance APIs application. You should update the URL to include the domain under which Advance is deployed.
RootUrl URL for the Advance root application. You should update the URL to include the domain under which Advance is deployed.
SmtpFromAddress Address used to send e-mails from Advance. For example, password reset e-mails and user activation e-mails.
ApiSiteSettings.SmtpSettings.HostAddress SMTP server host address
ApiSiteSettings.SmtpSettings.HostPort SMTP server port number
ApiSiteSettings.SmtpSettings.UserName Username used to connect to SMTP server
ApiSiteSettings.SmtpSettings.Password Password associated with the user above
ApiSiteSettings.ConnectionStrings.Root Connection string for the Advance root database.
ApiSiteSettings.ConnectionStrings.TenancyDefaults Default connection string for each Advance tenancy database. Each tenancy in Advance uses its own database to store tenancy-specific information.
AuthSiteSettings.AuthClientCredentials.ClientName The client used to authorize requests to the Advance authorization application. It is recommended that you change this setting before deploying Advance.
AuthSiteSettings.AuthClientCredentials.ClientSecret The secret for the AuthClient. It is recommended that you change this setting before deploying Advance.
AuthSiteSettings.AuthClientCredentials.PrincipalName It is recommended that you change this setting before deploying Advance.
AuthSiteSettings.AuthClientCredentials.PrincipalPassword The password for the authorization application Principal user. It is recommended that you change this setting before deploying Advance.
RootSiteSettings.RootClientCredentials.ClientName It is recommended that you change this setting before deploying Advance.
UiSiteSettings.UiClientCredentials.ClientName It is recommended that you change this setting before deploying Advance.
AssemblyServiceUrl The URL for the HotDocs Core Assembly Service. The service is required to generate interviews and assemble documents. You should install the Core Assembly Service before deploying Advance. See Get the HotDocs Core Assembly Service URL for more information.
ApiSiteSettings.AppSettings.TemplateDownloadUrl The URL that tells the Core Assembly Service where to download HotDocs templates from Advance. This is required by the Core Assembly Service when it generates interviews and assembles documents.
UiSiteSettings.AppSettings.AuthorDownloadUrl URL for a link to download the HotDocs Author template authoring tool. The executable for Author is stored under the Author folder in the Core Assembly Service application you installed above. Example value:
ApiSiteSettings.InitialUser.FirstName First name of the initial root user. The root user can log in to the Advance root application and create new tenancies.
ApiSiteSettings.InitialUser.LastName Last name of initial user.
ApiSiteSettings.InitialUser.EmailAddress Email address of initial user.
ApiSiteSettings.InitialUser.Password Password for initial user.
ApiSiteSettings.AppSettings.SeedClientCredentialsEnabled Enable or disable the seeding (and re-seeding) of client credentials.

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