Uploading a Template from HotDocs Author
When you upload a HotDocs template, HotDocs packages your template (or templates) with any auxiliary templates or other needed files, then uploads your template package to HotDocs Advance.
To upload a template
- Working in HotDocs Author, Open a workspace.
- Select a template (or templates).
- In the right pane, click Upload.
- If you are prompted, type your Advance username and password, and click the Log in button.
- (Optional) Type a comment into the field and click Continue; the comment is an explanatory note for the new template version.
- Once you successfully upload a template, click Continue to open HotDocs Advance in your web browser; your template appears in the templates list.
After you successfully upload your template, follow the next steps below to make the template accessible to your users.
Next steps