Creating a New API Client

API clients are you use to authenticate requests to the HotDocs Advance API. You manage clients using the API Clients Management application.

To create a new API client

  1. Log into the API Clients Management application.
  2. Click the Manage Client Credentials link.
  3. Click the Create a new client link.
  4. In the Create a new client form, enter the following information:
    1. DisplayName – a 'friendly' descriptive name for the client, used to identify the client in the UI
    2. FlowType – the type of authorization flow used by the client; select a flow type from the following options:
      • ResourceOwner – the client gets tokens by impersonating a service account
      • Implicit – the client gets a token as part of a sign-in process for a real user, without needing a secret
    3. Secret – the secret for the client, used for authentication
    4. ReturnUrl – the URL to which responses from the API are returned; not used by clients that use the Resource Owner flow
    5. LandingPage – the URL for the landing page to which new users are redirected from the provisioning e-mail; only used by users created via the API
    6. Token life span – the number of seconds for which the token is valid
    7. Scope – select from the following options:
      • Query – the client can only make read requests to the API
      • Command – the client can make read and write requests to the API
      • Root – the client has full root access to Advance; it can issue user access tokens
  5. Click the Create button; the Client Details page appears.
  6. (Optional) Click Activate Client; if you do not want to make the client immediately available, you can activate it later.

Next steps

Add a Service Principal to a client – if you are using the ResourceOwner flow, you must also add a service principal user