Adding a Placeholder Field for an Image
When editing a template, you use the HotDocs Field Editor to add a placeholder field to the template to reference a image. Using a placeholder field helps you keep the template neater while you are authoring. Placeholder fields for images are useful when you want to show an image conditionally.
Consider whether an Image variable may be appropriate in your template.
To add a placeholder field for an image
- Open a template.
- Select the text you want to replace, or position the cursor where you want to add an image.
- In the HotDocs Field Editor, from the Action list, select Add a placeholder.
- In the Placeholder type list, click More; then in the External files group, click Image.
- In the Field properties list, click the folder button to open the Select image file dialog box.
- Navigate to the image you want to reference and click Open.
- (Optional) Expand Advanced properties to edit further field properties.
- Click Add Field.
When you add an image from another folder, Author copies the image files to the workspace location of the template.