Creating a Workspace
You need to create a workspace for your project before you can create any new HotDocs templates. Author creates a default workspace on installation.
To create a new workspace
- Start HotDocs Author.
- Click Workspace > New Workspace.
- Type a Workspace name.
The entire file path, including the workspace name, cannot exceed 230 characters.
- (Optional) Click the Browse button to choose a new location for the workspace, or do nothing to accept the default location. Whichever you choose, be aware that you cannot create or save a workspace inside an existing workspace. We suggest you keep workspaces separate from existing HotDocs 11 template libraries to avoid later confusion.
If you want HotDocs to automatically open the Tutorials pane on Workspace Explorer when you open your Tutorials workspace, then, at the time you create your Tutorials workspace, you must set the Default Location for Workspaces to the default location on your machine that HotDocs provides in the Workspace Location box – e.g., C:\Users\admin\Documents\HotDocs Author.
- Click OK.
HotDocs creates the new workspace and displays it in a separate Workspace Explorer.
When you create a new workspace, Author creates a file within the workspace folder called AuthorWorkspace.hdw. A workspace needs this file for Author to recognize it as a valid workspace.