Assemble an Interview Template
An interview template does not produce an assembled document. Instead, it gathers and (and sometimes automatically saves) information (such as court, attorney, or client information) that can be used in assembling other documents. An interview template is distinguished from other templates in the library by its icon: .
For example, a template library includes an interview template named Client Information. This template gathers personal information about each client—such as name, address, gender, and birth date. This information may be needed in other templates in the library. Before you ever assemble any of these other documents, you could assemble the interview template and create a set of answers. Then, whenever a dialog in another template requires client information, you can access the answers you've already entered.
To assemble an interview template
- At the HotDocs library window, select the
interview template and click
Assemble. The Answer File dialog box appears. (If the template is already associated with an external answer source, you will not be prompted to select an answer file. Skip to step 3.)
- Select an answer file, then click OK.
- Answer the questions in each dialog, clicking
Next or
Previous to move between dialogs.
- At the end of the assembly, HotDocs may prompt you to save your answers in an answer file.
- If this prompt appears, click Save or Save As to view the Save Answer File dialog box, where you can save the answers you've provided. Or, click Don't Save to discard the answers.
- If this prompt doesn't appear, the template is probably associated with an external answer source, so HotDocs automatically saves the answers to that answer source.
- Close the assembly window.