Save Assembled Text Document as PDF
With HotDocs Developer, you can use the PDF printer driver to save assembled text and form documents as PDF documents. Creating PDF files allows you to take advantage of features available in Adobe Acrobat.
To save a document as PDF
- At the HotDocs library window, select a text template and click
Assemble. (See Assemble a Text or Form Document.)
- Answer questions in each dialog.
- After answering all of the questions, choose Save Document As (File menu). The Save As dialog box appears.
- Specify the file name and folder path for the file.
- At the Save as drop-down list, make sure PDF File (*.pdf) is selected.
- Optionally, click Security to assign any security options you need to the document. (See Assign Security Options to a PDF Document.)
- Click Save. The Convert to PDF dialog box appears.
- Optionally, you can add information about the document's title, subject, author, or search keywords. Otherwise, click OK. The assembled document is saved in PDF format.
Information you type in the Convert to PDF dialog box is saved as metadata embedded in the PDF-based file. HotDocs does not use this information, but other programs that work with PDF files may access this metadata. (For instance, if you open a PDF or PDF-based form template in Adobe Acrobat, you can select Document Properties (File menu) to see the values in these fields.) For form templates, the values input here will also be set in any PDF documents assembled with that template.