Select a Field

These instructions can also be used to create a form field at both the Form Document tab of the assembly window and in HotDocs Filler.

In order to work with a field, you must first select it. When you select a field, handles appear on the field borders showing that you can edit the borders or other properties. You can select a single field to work with, or you can select multiple fields to group them or to make the same change to all of the fields.

To select fields

  1. Edit a form template. (See Edit a Form Template.)
  2. Click the Select Tool button
  3. Click on the field you want to work with.
  4. Optionally, to select multiple fields, either press the Ctrl key while clicking each field, or press the Shift key, then press the mouse button and drag the mouse pointer to create a bounding frame. All fields included in or touched by this frame will be selected.
  5. Use any of the following additional methods for selecting fields or canceling the selection, as described in the following table:
To Do This
Select all the fields on the current page Click Select All (Edit menu). (You can also press Ctrl+A.)
Cancel the selection of all selected fields Click outside the fields, or press the Esc key.
Cancel the selection of only one of a group of selected fields Hold down the Ctrl key and click that field.
Add fields to your group of selected fields without canceling the selection of those already selected Hold down the Ctrl key and click the new fields.

If you have trouble selecting the field you want, the field may be in a group. If this is the case, you must first ungroup the fields by clicking Ungroup (Field menu). (See Ungroup Form Fields.)

Click the Show Fields button to show and hide field colors.