Use the Keyboard to Work in HotDocs
You can use the keyboard to complete many tasks in HotDocs. The following describes some of these keyboard options.
The options described below refer to using a standard U.S. keyboard. Commands that require you to press two keys simultaneously are displayed using a plus (+) character. For example, to describe the Print command, the keyboard shortcut would appear as Ctrl+P.
There are four ways you can use the keyboard to work in HotDocs:
Tab Between the Elements in a Window, dialog box
Press the Tab key to move between the different elements of a HotDocs window or dialog box. Similarly, press Shift+Tab to move through the different elements in reverse order.
If certain elements don't appear in the tab order, use one of the other methods described in this topic, such as use an accelerator key.
For example, if you're viewing the template library and you want to assemble a document, you can press the Tab key to move focus to the item list of the library. Then press the Up Arrow or Down Arrow key to move between items in the library. Once the template you want to assemble is selected, press Alt+M (to view the Template menu). Finally, either press the Down Arrow key to select Assemble from the menu, or press the A key to activate the accelerator key in the Assemble command. The assembly window appears.
Use Accelerator Keys
Many commands and options in HotDocs can be accessed using an accelerator key. Accelerators appear as underlined letters in a command name or prompt. To access them, press the Alt key while also pressing the underlined letter. If you aren't in a text field (or a field where you can enter or select text), you can simply press the underlined letter and HotDocs will move you to that element or command.
For example, to save an answer file during an interview, at the assembly window, press Alt+F. The File menu appears. Then press S. The Save Answer File dialog box appears.
Accelerator keys aren't identified until the Alt key is pressed. To always view accelerator keys, go to Start menu > Settings > Control Panel > Display. Click the Advanced tab, and then click Effects. Clear Hide underlined letters for keyboard navigation until I press the Alt key. To always view accelerator keys on Windows Vista, go to Control Panel > Ease of Access > Ease of Access Center > Make the keyboard easier to use and select Underline keyboard shortcuts and access keys.
You can assign your own accelerator keys in variable prompts, but you need to avoid letters already in use by HotDocs in the Interview tab of the Assembly window. Currently available keys are: B, C, D, I, J, K, M, O, Q, U, W, X, Y, Z. You can download this interview template to see how accelerator keys work in variable prompts.
Use the Shortcut Menu
When working with specific elements in a window or dialog, you can frequently
access a list of commands for that element by displaying the shortcut
menu. To access the shortcut menu, place focus on the element and then
either press the Windows Application
key on your Windows keyboard, or press Shift+F10. Use
the arrow keys to move between options in the menu.
For example, to view where the answer to a specific question is used
in the assembled document, while your cursor is in an answer field, press
the Windows
Application key on your keyboard. (Or, press Shift+F10.)
A shortcut menu appears. Then, either press the Down Arrow
key to select Go to Answer in Document (and then press
Enter), or press the G key to issue
the command.
To close a shortcut menu without choosing an option in it, press the Esc key.
Use Shortcut Keys
Several commands within HotDocs can be accessed using a shortcut key, which is a key or a combination of keys you can press that will quickly execute the command. (Accelerator keys can be considered shortcut keys.)
For example, to send an assembled document to the word processor, press the F11 key. Or, to move between the different tabs of the assembly window, press Ctrl+Tab. (Pressing Ctrl+Shift+Tab moves through the tabs in reverse order.)
Click here for a complete list of shortcut keys.