Get Help Using HotDocs
HotDocs Help Window Overview
HotDocs Developer includes a Help file to assist you in using the product.
The HotDocs Help window is divided into three parts – the navigation bar along the top of the help window, the main help content pane to the right, and the Contents, Index, and Search pane to the left. You can use the tabs to switch between the Contents, Index, and Search on the left hand pane.
See Form a Help Search Query for detailed instructions on creating a search query.
Organization of the Help File
Some content within the help file is categorized by the type of information available:
- Introduction: These topics describe, in general terms, a particular feature or tool of HotDocs.
- At a Glance: These topics provide information for a specific dialog box or window. (You usually access these help topics by clicking the
Help button on the toolbar or the
Help button at the top of the dialog box.
Dialog-Level Help
You can access the help file directly from an unfamiliar HotDocs window or dialog by clicking the Help button on the toolbar or the
Help button at the top of the dialog box. You will be taken directly to the relevant At a Glance page where you can see information about that window or dialog and links to the relevant help topics.
Other Help Resources
There are buttons in the navigation bar where you can access the following options
Hide: Hide the left hand pane, the button then changes to the
Show button.
Back: Go back to the previous page. Use the Forward button alongside it to return.
Print: View the Print dialog box to print a copy of the current page.