Convert Templates and Clauses to Microsoft DOCX
Any time you make major changes to templates, component files, or other HotDocs files, it is a good idea to back the files up before making the change. This is especially true when converting component files to work with HotDocs 11.
If you change your word processor brand from WordPerfect to Microsoft Word, you can convert your templates and clause libraries to Microsoft Word DOCX using Template Manager.
If you are already using Microsoft Word but your templates or clauses are in RTF format, you should consider converting them to DOCX. This is because HotDocs can now assembly DOCX templates without file conversion, creating less opportunities for errors to appear in your templates. By automating the templates (and clauses) in DOCX, you can reduce the number of steps HotDocs must follow to assemble a document. This improves assembly speed.
Template Manager allows you to convert multiple files to DOCX at once. Doing so ensures that any files dependent on the file you are converting are likewise converted and references to it are updated. Please note the following:
- When you select a template or clause library in the file list to convert, Template Manager will convert that file to the new format.
- If the file you are converting contains INSERTed files, Template Manager will convert both the parent template and any INSERTed templates or clauses.
- Template Manager will not convert files used in ASSEMBLE instructions. However, you can convert these files at the main list, and any ASSEMBLE instructions that refer to it in other files will be updated.
After a file is converted, Template Manager will search through the contents of the other files in the library to see if any of those files contain INSERT or ASSEMBLE instructions that refer to the template or clauses it just converted. If so, Template Manager updates the file name extension in those instructions so that the instruction correctly refers to the new file.
When converting templates to a new format, it's a good idea to convert all the files in the library so that you don't create any file name extension inconsistencies. For example, TemplateA.wpt and TemplateB.wpt both INSERT Subtemplate1.wpt. If you were to select only TemplateA for conversion, Template Manager would convert it and Subtemplate1 to RTF. Template Manager would then update the reference to Subtemplate1 in TemplateB, but TemplateB would still be in WordPerfect format because you haven't converted it yet. If you tried to assemble Template B, you would get errors. (Remember, when inserting one template into another, the file types must match.)
To convert WordPerfect / Word templates or clauses to DOCX
- Back up the templates you want to convert by copying them to a different location.
- Open the library containing the templates you want to convert. (See Create a New Library By Exporting Part of an Existing Library and Add Templates and Other Files to a Library.)
- Click the top folder in the library and launch Template Manager. (See Open and Close Template Manager.) The Template Manager window appears.
- In the file list, select the templates you want to convert and click the
Convert button. The Convert Files dialog box appears, with the Convert component files to work with HotDocs 11 option selected by default. (See Convert Multiple Templates to Work with HotDocs 11.)
- Select Convert WordPerfect templates and clauses... to convert your files to WordPerfect.
- Select Convert MS Word RFT templates and clauses... to convert your RTF files. HotDocs lists the files that will be converted in the field below these options.
- Click the Convert to: MS DOCX check box to the right to convert the selected files to DOCX.
- Click OK. Template Manager confirms that you want to convert the files.
- Click Yes to continue.
Template Manager converts the templates (and clauses) to the new format. As it does this, it opens each template file in Word and makes the necessary updates. Once it finishes converting the templates, it refreshes the Template Manager database. When conversion is complete, you are returned to the Template Manager window.
Something to be aware of with DOCX templates is that, Word documents that were originally converted from HTML files will have hidden HTML data stored in the file, once converted to a DOCX template some of that data might not have been stored correctly in the new DOCX template and you may encounter problems if you ever need to convert that template back to HTML.