Copy and Paste Components Across Multiple Component Files

Sometimes you may create a variable or other component that you would like to copy into all the component files in your template library. Rather than open each component file manually and copy the variable to it (see Copy Components From One File to Another), you can use Template Manager to copy a component into several component files at once.

You can copy multiple components at a time. If the component you select is a clause that uses variables, a variable reference (or variable used in another variable's prompt), a dialog, or Computation variable that refers to or requires other variables to function, those variables will also be copied to the new component file.

To copy and paste components between component files

  1. At Template Manager, select a component or components from the component list and click the Copy Components button. The components are saved to the Clipboard.
  2. If the component is used in two or more component files, Template Manager displays the Copy Components dialog box that lets you choose which component file you want to copy from. Select the correct file and click Copy. The component is saved to the Clipboard.
  3. From the file list, select the file or files you want to copy the component into.
  4. Click the Paste Components button. The Paste Components dialog box appears. The files you have already selected appear in this list with a check mark next to them. The list also includes other component files you are currently working with.
  5. Select additional component files from the list, clear the selected files, or accept the current selection.
  6. Optionally, select Warn when overwriting components that already exist if you want Template Manager to warn you if the component you are copying already exists in the file.
  7. Click Paste. Template Manager pastes the component into the file or files.

You can also drag components from the component list to selected files in the file list to copy and paste them.