Save Publishing Settings

Any options you select during the publishing process can be saved to a published settings (.HDP) file and used again the next time you publish a template or set of templates.

To save the settings you used during publishing

  1. Publish your templates or your template set. (See Publish a Template as a Standard File, Publish Templates as Auto-Assemble Files (HDA), or Publish Templates as Auto-Install Files (HDI).)
  2. Before clicking Finish at the Additional Files dialog box, click Save Settings. HotDocs displays the Save Publish Settings As dialog box.
  3. Type a name for the file in the File name field. HotDocs adds the extension .HDP to the file.
  4. Click Save. The file is saved to the HotDocs Publish folder.

To use the publish settings file, at the first dialog box of the Publishing Wizard, Publishing Options, click Load Settings. The Load Publish Settings dialog box appears. Select the publish settings (.HDP) file and click Load.