What is a Publishing Destination Page?

After the uploading process is complete, the Publishing Destination Page appears. This page accepts the HTTP POST from the Publishing Form Page and processes it by completing the actions specified by your project.

Once the information has been received on the server, the files from the upload must be decoded and handled. Several components are available to help with this process, including the Dundas Upload control, distributed by Dundas Software. The following is sample code for the Publishing Destination Page using the Dundas Upload control.



dim dund

Set dund = Server.CreateObject("Dundas.Upload.2")


response.Write "Data from form<hr>"

dim objUploadedForm

For Each objUploadedForm in dund.Form

Response.Write objUploadedForm.tagname & "="

Response.Write objUploadedForm.Value & "<br>"


response.Write "<br>Files from HotDocs<hr>"

dim objUploadedFile

dim filename

dim filen

dund.ImpersonateUser "username","password"

For Each objFile in dund.Files

filen = dund.GetFileName (objFile.OriginalPath )

filename = "c:\inetpub\companyname\temp\" &

objFile.SaveAs filename

Response.Write "<a ref='http://www.company.com/temp/"

Response.Write filen &"'>"

Response.Write objFile.TagName

Response.Write "=" & objFile.OriginalPath

Response.Write " : Size = " & objFile.Size

Response.Write "</a><br>"



set dund = nothing
