At a Glance: Addendum Properties (HotDocs Options)







After opening HotDocs Options from the toolbar (or Tools menu) in your HotDocs Library you can choose from a list of option pages in the left hand pane A.

If you double click on Form Documents you will see a list open below containing a file for setting the options for the Properties for New Fields and the Properties for New Forms. Double click on Properties for New Forms  to see Addendum Properties appear in a list item below. Click on Addendum Properties to bring up the Addendum Properties Options dialog box.

There are four sections of options you can set here to change how the generated addendum appears. At the top of the dialog B you can set the width of the page margins in the four number fields; Left, Right, Top and Bottom.

The next set of options C control how the addendum header will appear. In the large text field you can enter the text you would like to appear as the addendum header. Leave the field blank if you do not want a header. Below that there are three more options for the addendum header. You can select the font you would like the header to use by clicking the Font... button, you can select the height of the header by entering a number in the Height field and you can choose the alignment of the text from the Alignment drop-down list. You can choose from Left, Center, Right or Justified.

Below the header options are a set of options that control the appearance of the addendum footer D. These are identical to the options for the addendum header but they control the text at the bottom of every page of the addendum. If you do not want a footer you can leave the text field blank.

The last set of options E on this dialog control the look of the addendum entries. You can choose the font you would like to use by clicking the Font... button, you can choose how much of an indent you would like between the label and the entry by entering a measurement in the central number field, and you can choose how much space you would like between sets of entries by entering a measurement in the right hand number field. Below these options there is a check box so you can decide if you would like to number the lines of entries to format the addendum as pleading paper.

To find out more about setting options for Addendum Properties follow the link below: