Tips on Using Unanswered Variable Placeholders

You can specify unanswered text placeholders four different places in HotDocs:

Variable field: When specified at the Variable Field dialog box, the placeholder is used only for that specific instance of the variable. It overrides any placeholders you specify at the Variable Editor. (You can enter whatever placeholder text you like here.)

Variable component: When specified at the Variable Editor, the placeholder becomes the default for the variable and will be used when no field-specific placeholder has been specified. (You can enter whatever placeholder text you like here.)

Component file: When selected at the Component File Properties dialog box, the placeholder is applied to all variables within the component file, except those that have a default or a field-specific placeholder assigned. If Default is selected, whatever options the user has specified at HotDocs Options will be used for those not already assigned a specific placeholder.

HotDocs Options: When users assemble documents, they have some control over which placeholder will be used if they leave variables unanswered. (They make their selection at the HotDocs Options dialog box.) However, if you have assigned placeholders using any of the methods above, your selection will override theirs.