Answer File
/af="path and file name"
The Answer File option is useful if you want to use a specific answer file when you assemble a document. The option does two things: 1) when a template is selected for assembly, it immediately opens the specified answer file without displaying the Answer File dialog box, and 2) it sets the value for path and file name as the current answer file name to be used when answers are saved. If the specified answer file doesn't exist, it will be created when the user saves the answers.
When using an existing answer file, you can retrieve an answer file from a location on a Web server by specifying a URL for the path and file name (for example, /af= (You cannot, however, save an answer file back to the server.)
You cannot assign the Answer File (/af) option to a HotDocs Auto-Assemble file.
If using this option at the command line, include the Template File (/tf) option.