Overlay Answer File

/ov="path and file name"

The Overlay Answer File option causes HotDocs to take answers from a specific answer file and overlay them in the current answer file. For example, if you have specific information about a client that can be used in assembling multiple documents, you can save just that information in an overlay answer file and then use the Overlay Answer File option to force HotDocs to use those answers when assembling a document. All answers entered during assembly (including overlaid answers) are saved to the current answer file—not the overlay answer file—thus maintaining the integrity of the overlay answer file. An overlay answer file is loaded after the regular answer file so that the answers contained therein can overlay existing answers.

If you do not include a full path on the command-line, HotDocs will first look for the answer file in the same folder as the template. If it's not located there, HotDocs will look in the Answers folder.

You can retrieve an overlay answer file from a location on a Web server by specifying a URL for the path and file name (for example, /ov=http://www.yoursite.com/overlayanswers.anx).

If you are saving the overlay answer file to the same folder as the template, do not use the same name as the template. Otherwise, HotDocs will think the answer file is a default answer file. (See Create a Default Answer File.)

If using this option at the command line, include the Template File (/tf) option.