Introduction: Dot Codes

Working with Plain Text

When working with plain text, either in variable prompts, dialog element text, plain-text resources, or in answers generated by computation scripts, you frequently want to assign font properties to the text, such as bolding, italicizing, and underlining. Additionally, you may want to punctuate and capitalize characters in plain text as well as insert special characters, such as hyphens and other punctuation marks.

To format text, insert dot code fields in your prompts, text, or scripts. During assembly, these dot codes will be processed and will apply whatever formatting you specify to the text.

Unfortunately, dot codes that format answer text in a form document cannot be processed because the text is in plain-text format and cannot allow formatting, such as bold and italics. To explain, think of when you've worked on a plain-text document in Notepad. You can insert characters like line breaks, section symbols, and punctuation in a Notepad document, but you cannot make character-level formatting changes. HotDocs uses this same plain text in form document answers. Dot codes that insert characters (such as line breaks, section symbols, and so forth), however, are processed without any problems in forms.

Punctuating Non-Repeated Lists

Dot codes can also be used to merge punctuation for non-repeated lists in the template. Using a series of dot codes, you can define the punctuation mark that should be used to separate items in the list as well as define the conjunction (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so) used for the list. This is useful when you have separate answers that are being merged conditionally in list format.

Full List of Dot Codes

The following tables list all of the dot codes that are available in HotDocs:

Character Format:

Name Dot Code What it Does
Bold «.b»/«.be» Applies bold formatting to the enclosed word or group of words
Hidden «.h»/«.he» Applies the hidden text property to a word or group of words

The dot code «.h»/«.he» is not allowed in prompts, dialog titles, or resources.

Italic «.i»/«.ie» Applies italic formatting to a word or group of words
Strike-through «.x»/«.xe» Crosses out a word or group of words
Underline «.u»/«.ue» Applies underline formatting to a word or group of words
Size «.z»/«.ze» Increases or decreases the font size for a word or group of words by a specified percentage.   The dot code «.z +Size» is a percent increase in the current size. The dot code, «.z -Size» is a percent decrease in the current size. (When you select this option, HotDocs displays a dialog box asking you to specify these properties.)
All Caps «.a»/«.ae» Capitalizes every letter in the selected text
Capitalize Letter «.c» Capitalizes the word immediately following the code
Leading Caps «.l»/«.le» Capitalizes the first letter of each word in the enclosed text
Small Caps «.s»/«.se» Capitalizes each lowercase letter in the enclosed text and displays them at a smaller font size.   For example, "The Quick Brown Fox" would be come "THE QUICK BROWN FOX".

The dot code «.s»/«.se» is only fully supported in JavaScript interviews. In Silverlight interview all text is capitalized and displayed at the smaller font size, including existing capital letters. In desktop interviews this dot code has no effect.

Character Insertion:

Name Dot Code What it Does
An «.an» Inserts a or an, depending on whether the word that follows begins with a consonant or a vowel
Left Apostrophe «.la» Inserts a left apostrophe
Right Apostrophe «.ra» Inserts a right apostrophe
Left Quote «.lq» Inserts a left quotation mark
Right Quote «.rq» Inserts a right quotation mark
Paragraph Symbol «.ps» Inserts a paragraph character
Section Symbol «.ss» Inserts a section symbol character
Tab Character «.tc» Inserts a tab character
Line Break «.lb» Inserts a line break
Paragraph Mark «.pm» Inserts a paragraph mark
Page Break «.pb» Inserts a page break
Non-breaking Space «.ns» Inserts a non-breaking space character
Non-breaking Hyphen «.nh» Inserts a non-breaking hyphen character
Optional Hyphen «.oh» Inserts an optional hyphen character

Sentence Punctuation:

Name Dot Code What it Does
Period «.» Inserts a period if no other punctuation precedes it
Colon «:» Inserts a colon if no other punctuation precedes it
Exclamation Mark «!» Inserts an exclamation point if no other punctuation precedes it
Question Mark «?» Inserts a question mark if no other punctuation precedes it
Comma «,» Inserts a comma if no other punctuation precedes it
Semicolon «;» Inserts a semicolon if no other punctuation precedes it

List Punctuation:

Name Dot Code What it Does
Punctuation Setup «.p "style"»«.pe» Identifies the beginning of a punctuated list and assigns the punctuation format to it. The closing dot code identifies where the punctuated list ends.
Punctuation Item «.p» Used within the Punctuation Setup and identifies where the punctuation character should be inserted

Web Link:

Name Dot Code What It Does
Web Link Dot Code   «.w "URL"»/«.we» Inserts a Web link Enter the link text between the two dot codes