Use Line Breaks, Paragraph Ends, and Tabs in Computation Scripts

Inserting line breaks and paragraph ends are only relevant if you are merging text into an assembled Word document. In WordPerfect, each of the commands listed below inserts a hard return. (See the WordPerfect helps for an explanation.)

When including literal text strings in computation scripts, you can have HotDocs merge line breaks, paragraph ends, and tabs in the answer. To do this, at the Script field, either by manually entering the characters or using a dot code, use the following information:

To insert Do one of the following
A line break Press Enter or Shift+Enter. When you do this, HotDocs creates a new line of text in the same paragraph.

When you use a line break to span a literal text string across two lines in the script editor, the color coding assigned to the text string changes to the default color. This doesn't affect how the computation will be processed, but it may make it more difficult to visually recognize the different portions of your script. To fix the color coding, click the Auto Format button.

Insert a Line Break dot code («.lb») at the place you want HotDocs to start a new line. (See Insert Characters in Text Strings.)

A paragraph end Press Ctrl+Enter. When you do this, HotDocs inserts a paragraph mark ( ¶ ) and starts a new paragraph of text.

Insert a Paragraph Mark dot code («.pm») at the place you want HotDocs to start a new paragraph. (See Insert Characters in Text Strings.)

A tab character Press Ctrl+T.

If you want the Tab key to insert a tab character (instead of you pressing Ctrl+T), click the Options button and select Tab key inserts a tab in scripts. Now, whenever you press Tab or Shift+Tab, HotDocs will insert a tab in the script instead of taking you to another field in the dialog box.

Insert a Tab Character dot code («.tc») at the place you want the text to be tabbed. (See Insert Characters in Text Strings.)

When creating multi-line Text variables, you can force HotDocs to merge a paragraph mark (rather than a line break) when the user presses Enter. For details, see Customize a Text Variable.