Configuring ApacheDS
You must configure ApacheDS
before it can be used with HotDocs Hub.
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Default Connection
The follow steps describe configuring a default
connection between ApacheDS and HotDocs. Please refer to the ApacheDS
documentation if you need to create a custom connection.
To configure ApacheDS for use with HotDocs Hub
1. Initial Connection Setup
- Run Apache Management
- Right-click in the Connections
pane in the bottom left of the window.
- Select Import > Import Connections
from the drop-down menu.
- Click Browse.
- Navigate to the LdapFiles
folder supplied with your HotDocs Hub installation package.
- Select the LdapConnection.lbc
- Click Open.
- Click Finish.
- Expand the DIT node in
the LDAP Browser pane.
- Select the Root DSE node.
- Select File > Open File.
- Navigate to the LdapFiles
folder supplied with your HotDocs Hub installation package.
- Select the LdapInitialSetup.ldif
- Click Open.
- Click Execute LDIF to execute
the selected .ldif file.
- Select the ldapusers connection
from the list.
- Click OK.
2. Tenancy Configuration
- Navigate to DIT > Root DSE.
- Expand the dc=example,dc=com node.
- Right-click the cn=HotDocs
- Select Properties
from the drop-down menu.
- Click both Refresh
button in the Create and Modify
Information section.
- Click the Refresh
button in the Sizing Information section.
- Click OK.
- Copy the entryUUID
value from the cn=HotDocs group tab; the value is used later when
running the HotDocs Hub post-installation scripts.
Next Steps
HotDocs Hub with User Management and Active Directory.