Install the HotDocs Hub UI

The Hub UI provides a user interface for the Template Hub. This interface enables users to access the functionality of the Template Hub through a web browser. This functionality includes:

The Hub UI is also used by other Hub components, such as the User Hub and Interview Hub. When these components are installed, their user interface components are added to the Hub UI, creating a single, unified user interface.


Install the Template Hub UI

These steps require the Template Hub UI installer. If you do not have the installer, please contact your HotDocs Sales Representative.

To install the Template Hub UI:

  1. Extract files from the installer zip onto your server machine.
  2. Right click installUI.bat and select Run as Administrator.
  3. Click Next.
  4. Optional: you can select which components and settings of the Template Hub UI to install. However, it is recommended to install all of the components and settings.
  5. Optional: click Browse to select the installation directory. If you skip this step, HotDocs uses the default installation directory.
  6. Click Next and then click Install.
  7. Click Finish. HotDocs has now installed the Template Hub UI and opens the Configuration Wizard.
  8. Click Next.
  9. Select the relevant Database option, either I want to use an existing database that has already been created or I want the installer to create the database. Then enter the following information:
  10. You must use the same database you selected when you installed the Template Hub API.

    1. Database Server – type the name of the machine where the database is installed.
    2. Name of Database – type the name of the database for the Template Hub
    3. Select an authentication type – the type of authentication the Template Hub uses to connect to the database. Select either:

    If you choose to use SQL Server authentication you cannot use the login ID "sa" in your authentication details.

      1. Enter a Login ID
      2. Enter a Password
  11. Click Next.
  12. Select appropriate option to install the application in IIS, either:
      1. If you choose to install the application in IIS, click Default Web Site drop-down menu to change site.
      2. Choose to Use the following AppPool (click DefaultAppPool drop-down to change AppPool) or Create a new AppPool.
      3. If you choose to create a new AppPool enter the following information:
        1. Pool Name – the name of the new Application Pool.
        2. Domain for Application Pool – the domain under which the new Application Pool runs.
        3. Login for Application Pool – the login for the new Application Pool.
        4. Password for Application Pool – the password for the new Application Pool.
  13. Click Next.
  14. Select how the application connects to the database. Either:
  15. Click Next.
  16. Type in the Template Hub UI Application Settings:
    1. Enter the Template Hub Api URL – installed with the Template Hub API; by default, the URL is http://localhost/HotDocsTemplateHubAPI/
    2. Enter the Interview Service Api URL – by default,, the URL is http://localhost/HotDocsInterviewServiceAPI/
    3. Enter the Public facing base URL of the Hub UI – This is the URL that HotDocs Developer uses to upload to the Template Hub. Normally it is the machine name where you have installed the UI but if you are using proxy/load-balancer middleware then you must use the address of the proxy/load-balancer. This URL should not contain any paths, like the Template Hub Api URL, i.e. http://localhost.
    4. Enter the Public facing name for the Hub UI – HotDocs Developer uses this name in the upload menu. You can edit this name later from the Options dialog within HotDocs Developer.
  17. Click Next, then click Finish. The Template Hub UI is now ready to use.

Silent Install

To silently install the Template Hub UI, use the supplied .msi file.

  1. Open the Windows Command Prompt as an Administrator.
  2. Change the directory to the location of the installer.
  3. Type msiexec /i, the name of the Template Hub UI .msi file, and the /quiet option for silent installation. The full command is msiexec /i TemplateHubUI_Setup.msi /quiet.
  4. Enter any additional parameter information. You can see the parameters available to use in the section below.
  5. Press Enter. The installation begins>


You can use the following parameters during a silent install to change the installation settings.

  • File Location Parameters

  • You should use the parameters above in combination. For example, the default values install the Template Hub to C:\inetpub\wwwroot\TemplateHub.

    Database Parameters

    Using Parameters during Installation

    When performing a silent install using msiexec, add parameters to the msiexec command. For example:

    msiexec /i TemplateHub_Setup.msi /quiet SQLDATABASE=TemplateHub

    Log the Installation Process

    You can also add logging to the installation process:

    msiexec /i TemplateHub_Setup.msi /quiet /log C:\log\install.log