Elevated status error when running Invoke.ps1 post-install script

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When running the Invoke.ps1 Powershell script during the Hub installation process, you receive the error message Process should have elevated status to access IIS configuration data.


This issue is typically caused by Powershell execution policy restricting execution of scripts that modify IIS permissions.


You can resolve this problem by executing the following Powershell command:

powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -File Invoke.ps1

You are then prompted to enter values for the Invoke.ps1 script parameters:

  • EnableOAuth2 enable OAuth2 authentication
  • SqlServer name of the SQL Server where the Hub databases are installed; e.g. .\sqlexpress.
  • SqlUser name of user that has read and write permissions to the Hub databases.
  • SqlPass – password associated with the user above.
  • IisWebSite name of the website under which HotDocs Hub is installed, e.g. Default Web Site.
  • IisHostName the fully-qualified domain name of the server on which the HotDocs Hub is installed, e.g. exampleserver.yourorganization.com; this name must match the host name used by the SSL binding in IIS.
  • IisAppRoot path to root installation directory containing the HotDocs Hub applications; e.g. C:\inetpub\wwwroot.

See the appropriate installation topic for more information about the values to use for the parameters above:



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