Importing Active Directory Users Groups
You can import existing Active Directory user groups into HotDocs Hub, if your Hub installation uses Active Directory.
Active Directory Users Prerequisites
Note: If you intend to import Active Directory users and user groups into Hub, AD users must always have values set for the following attributes:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Display Name
To import Active Directory User Groups into Hub
- Open the HotDocs Hub UI.
- Click User Groups.
- Navigate to the Active Directory User Groups tab.
- Click Import AD Group.
- Enter the name of an Active Directory user group in the Find field.
- Click Find.
- Select a group from the results list.
- Click the button for your selected import option:
- Import group only – creates a Hub user group but doesn't import any user accounts; HotDocs imports a user's account when they first sign into the Hub.
- Import group and users – creates a Hub user group and imports all user accounts (including descendent group users).
Importing a large number of user accounts can take a long time.
The imported group appears on the Active Directory User Groups tab. You can now assign it to a template group.