Upgrading HotDocs Hub to a later version

You can upgrade the HotDocs Hub to a later version by following the steps below.

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Before you begin the upgrade procedure, you should capture the pre-upgrade configuration settings of your existing Hub installation. You should also have a copy of the Invoke.ps1 you used for the initial Hub installation.

1. Backup the Hub installation folders

You should make a backup of the existing Hub installation folders before you upgrade Hub. This makes it easier to roll back the deployment if necessary. To backup the installation folders:

  1. Navigate to the Hub installation root directory; by default this is C:\inetpub\wwwroot
  2. Select the folders for the installed Hub applications.
  3. Copy and paste the folders into another folder on your hard drive; this should be a folder separate to the current Hub installation root directory

2. Uninstall the Hub

Next, you can uninstall the Hub:

  1. Open Control Panel.
  2. Navigate to Programs > Uninstall a Program.
  3. Select HotDocs Template Hub from the list.
  4. Click Uninstall.

3. Install the new version of Hub

Next, run the new Hub installer:

  1. Unzip the CombinedHub zip file provided to you by HotDocs.
  2. Open the Windows Command Prompt as an administrator.
  3. Navigate to the extracted CombinedHub directory, containing the HotDocs Hub installation files.
  4. Run the HotDocs Hub installer file (e.g. HotDocsHub_Setup.msi).
  5. Click Next.
  6. Review and accept the License Agreement terms.
  7. Click Next.
  8. (Optional) Click Browse to change the default installation directory.
  9. Click Next.
  10. Click Install.
  11. Click Finish.

4. Run additional installation scripts

Next, you must install the new version of Hub using the installation instructions for your specific configuration. From your previous installation of Hub, you should already have an Invoke.ps1 script populated with the required configuration settings.

To re-run the Invoke.ps1 configuration script:

  1. Run Powershell as an administrator.
  2. Change the directory to the Post-Install > Post-install Scripts folder.
  3. Edit the Invoke.ps1 script in a text editor to check the installation parameters against your previous Hub configuration settings.
    • Note: if you are upgrading from version 1.16.0 or earlier, check you have set the HdServerFilesUrl parameter
  4. (Optional) If you are using HotDocs Web Services, change the HdCoreServiceUrl value in Invoke.ps1 to the URL for your installed version of HotDocs Web Services, e.g. https://exampleserver/HDSWebAPI/api/hdcs/
  5. Run the Invoke.ps1 script in Powershell, using the following command with your own values replacing the {placeholder} values:
    .\Invoke.ps1 -EnableOAuth2 {enable-oauth2} -SqlServer "{sql-server-name}" -SqlUser {sql-username} -SqlPass {sql-password} -IisWebSite "{website-name}" -IisHostName "{host-name}" -IisAppRoot "{hub-application-root}"
    • enable-oauth2 must be true
    • sql-server-name name of the SQL Server where the Hub databases are installed; e.g. .\sqlexpress
    • sql-username name of SQL user that has read and write permissions to the Hub databases
    • sql-password – password associated with the SQL user above
    • website-name name of the website under which HotDocs Hub is installed; e.g. Default Web Site
    • host-name fully-qualified domain name of the server on which the HotDocs Hub is installed, e.g. server.yourorganization.com; the name must be the same as the one used by your security certificate
    • hub-application-root path to root installation directory containing the HotDocs Hub applications; e.g. C:\inetpub\wwwroot

The new version of HotDocs Hub is now installed.

5. (Optional) Configure HotDocsIdentityServer

Note: You only need to configure IdentityServer if you configured Hub to use Active Directory.

You must configure the HotDocs Identity Server application with the location of the Windows Authentication application.

  1. Select the HotDocsIdentityServer application in IIS.
  2. Open Application Settings.
  3. Select the MetadataAddress key.
  4. Click Edit.
  5. Enter URL of the webhostwinauth application in the Value field; by default, this is https://localhost/webhostwinauth. You should use the full machine name of the server instead of localhost.
  6. Click OK.

6. Check Hub is configured to use HotDocs Web Services

If you are using HotDocs Web Services (rather than Cloud Services), check that the upgraded version of Hub is configured to use Web Services:

7. Check HotDocs Server configuration

8. (Optional) Run the upgrade script

Note: this step is only required if you are upgrading from Hub 1.14.0 or earlier and are also using work items.

  1. Open Windows Explorer.
  2. Navigate to the extracted Hub installation files directory.
  3. Navigate to the Post-Install > Post-install Scripts > Upgrade Scripts folder.
  4. Edit the workitems_upgrade.sql file in a text editor.
  5. Copy the contents of the file.
  6. Open SQL Server Management Studio.
  7. Connect to the SQL Server instance you want to configure.
  8. Expand the SQL server instance name in the Object Explorer pane.
  9. Navigate to Databases.
  10. Right-click the database for the HotDocsPermissions application; by default, this database is named Permissions.
  11. Select New Query from the drop-down menu.
  12. Paste the contents of the workitems_upgrade.sql file into the query pane.
  13. Click Execute to run the upgrade script.

HotDocs Hub is now upgraded.



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