Adding Authorization credentials to the Upload Plugin

You must configure the Upload Plugin to use your upload authorization 'secret' credential before templates may be uploaded to the HotDocs Hub. The same secret is used by all users in your organization able to upload templates from HotDocs Developer to the Hub.

The authorization secret required by the Upload Plugin is set by the HotDocs Hub installer.

To add your Authorization credentials to the Upload Plugin

1. Configure your authorization credentials in HotDocs Developer

  1. Open HotDocs Developer.
  2. Navigate to Tools > Options.
  3. Navigate to Plugins.
  4. Select UploadPlugin.HDHubPlugin from the Plugins list.
  5. Click Preferences.
  6. Navigate to the Security tab.
  7. Select the configuration for your tenancy from the Configuration drop-down menu.
  8. Select Edit Security Settings.
  9. Enter a secret in the Application Secret field; the default secret is provided by HotDocs along with the Hub installation files.
  10. Click Save.
  11. Click Close.

2. Add your authorization credentials to HotDocs Hub

  1. Log in to HotDocs Hub using your Tenancy Administrator account.
  2. Navigate to Tenancy Admin > Manage Tenancy.
  3. Click Change Secret.

You can now use the Upload Plugin Configuration File to configure the Upload Plugin.

Next Steps

See Uploading a Template from HotDocs Developer for information about using and configuring the plugin.


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