Importing Active Directory Users Groups

You can import existing Active Directory user groups into HotDocs Hub, if your Hub installation uses Active Directory.

Active Directory Users Prerequisites

Note: If you intend to import Active Directory users and user groups into Hub, AD users must always have values set for the following attributes:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Display Name
  • Email

To import Active Directory User Groups into Hub

  1. Open the HotDocs Hub UI.
  2. Click User Groups.
  3. Navigate to the Active Directory User Groups tab.
  4. Click Import AD Group.
  5. Enter the name of an Active Directory user group in the Find field.
  6. Click Find.
  7. Select a group from the results list.
  8. Click the button for your selected import option:
    • Import group only – creates a Hub user group but doesn't import any user accounts; HotDocs imports a user's account when they first sign into the Hub.
    • Import group and users – creates a Hub user group and imports all user accounts (including descendent group users).

Importing a large number of user accounts can take a long time.

The imported group appears on the Active Directory User Groups tab. You can now assign it to a template group.


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