Hub Installation Checklist

HotDocs Hub installation requires several installation files, scripts, and other prerequisites. Before you start installing the Hub, use the table below to check that you have all of the installation files and prerequisites available.

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Environment Configuration

The following table lists all prerequisites required to install HotDocs Hub with user management and Active Directory. You should check this list before beginning a new installation, to verify that you have all the software necessary to complete the install process.


Item Name




Internet connection


Required to download installation files and verify your HotDocs Server installation.


Active Directory


Directory service for Windows. Provides user account management and authentication for HotDocs Hub.

The server on which you are installing Hub should be joined to the same domain as your Active Directory server.

Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 or later


Server operating system.

See Windows and IIS Configuration Checklist below for specific configuration settings.

SQL Server 2012 or later


Database server.

See SQL Server Configuration Checklist below.

Microsoft .Net Framework 4.6.2 or later


.Net software framework.


Powershell 3.0 or later


Used to run Hub post-installation configuration scripts.

SSL Certificate


Used in IIS to configure HTTPS for the Hub.

See Notes on SSL Certificates and Signing Certificates below.

Signing Certificate


Used to sign API requests between HotDocs Hub applications.

See Notes on SSL Certificates and Signing Certificates below.

HotDocs Hub installer

Installation file

Installer for HotDocs Hub. Provided with the Hub installation package.


Windows Authentication application


Provided with the Hub installation package.


Hub configuration scripts

Installation files

Powershell scripts used for post-installation configuration of Hub. Provided with the Hub installation package.

The files you will use are:

  • DefaultConfig.psd1 – configuration settings file
  • ConfigureHub.ps1 – runs configuration tasks

Hub Common Files

Installation files

Additional common files required by the post-installation configuration files. Provided with the Hub installation package.

Common folder

HotDocs Server

Installation files

Provides core HotDocs document assembly and interview generation functionality. Provided with the Hub installation package.

HotDocs Web Service API

Installation files

Web services used by HotDocs Hub to access core HotDocs Server functionality. Provided with the Hub installation package.

Upload Plugin for HotDocs Developer

Installation files

Plugin for HotDocs Developer required to upload templates to Hub. Provided with the Hub installation package.


Windows Server Configuration Checklist

You must enable the Windows Server features below before installing Hub.

Item Name




Web Server

Windows Server role

The following Windows server features are installed as part of the Web Server role, through Server Manager.


Internet Information Service (IIS) 7 or later

Windows Server feature

Web server for Windows Server.

See Windows and IIS Configuration Checklist below for specific configuration settings.

ASP.Net 4.6

Windows Server feature

Web application framework.

Basic authentication

Windows Server feature


Required to authenticate users login without AD.

Windows authentication

Windows Server feature

Required to authenticate requests to Hub applications.


HTTP redirection

Windows Server feature

Required by the HotDocs Hub UI.


Feature delegation > Authentication – Windows

IIS setting

Authentication – Windows setting must be set to Read/Write.

Must be enabled for the web site under which Hub is installed.

HTTPS binding

IIS setting

HTTPS must be enabled on the web site where Hub is installed.

See Notes on SSL Certificates and Signing Certificates below.

URL Rewrite module for IIS

IIS setting

An extension for IIS that enables administrators to rewrite URLs and create custom response messages.

See URL Rewrite module for IIS for more information.

Signing certificate permissions

Security setting

The user under which the Hub's application pool runs must have read permissions to the private key of your signing certificate.

See assigning permissions for the signing certificate for more information.

IIS Configuration Checklist

You must configure IIS to use the settings below before you install Hub.

Item Name




Feature delegation > Authentication – Windows

IIS setting

Authentication – Windows setting must be set to Read/Write.

Must be enabled for the web site under which Hub is installed.

HTTPS binding

IIS setting

HTTPS must be enabled on the web site where Hub is installed.

See Notes on SSL Certificates and Signing Certificates below.

URL Rewrite module for IIS

IIS setting

An extension for IIS that enables administrators to rewrite URLs and create custom response messages.

See URL Rewrite module for IIS for more information.

Signing certificate permissions

Security setting

The user under which the Hub's application pool runs must have read permissions to the private key of your signing certificate.

See assigning permissions for the signing certificate for more information.


SQL Server Configuration Checklist

Hub must be able to connect to SQL Server, to create new databases, read data, and write data.

Item Name




User account

SQL user

The account used by HotDocs Hub to access SQL Server. This can be:

  • Local account – e.g. Network Service
  • Service account – e.g. a specific domain user
  • SQL login user – e.g. a specific SQL user account with appropriate permissions

You can also configure Hub to connect to the database using integrated security. See Installation Configuration Settings for more information.


SQL Server role

The user must be able to create new databases for the installed Hub applications.


Master Database role

The user must be able to read data from the Hub databases.

Typically not required when user has dbcreator role.


Master Database role

The user must be able to write data to the Hub databases.

Typically not required when user has dbcreator role.

Hub Installation Files

Item Name




HotDocs Hub installer

Installation file

Installer for HotDocs Hub. Provided with the Hub installation package.


Windows Authentication application


Provided with the Hub installation package.


Hub configuration scripts

Installation files

Powershell scripts used for post-installation configuration of Hub. Provided with the Hub installation package.

The files you will use are:

  • DefaultConfig.psd1 – configuration settings file
  • ConfigureHub.ps1 – runs configuration tasks

Hub Common Files

Installation files

Additional common files required by the post-installation configuration files. Provided with the Hub installation package.

Common folder

HotDocs Server

Installation files

Provides core HotDocs document assembly and interview generation functionality. Provided with the Hub installation package.

HotDocs Web Service API

Installation files

Web services used by HotDocs Hub to access core HotDocs Server functionality. Provided with the Hub installation package.

Upload Plugin for HotDocs Developer

Installation files

Plugin for HotDocs Developer required to upload templates to Hub. Provided with the Hub installation package.


Active Directory Users Prerequisites

If you intend to import Active Directory users and user groups into Hub, AD users must always have values set for the following attributes:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Display Name
  • Email

Notes on SSL Certificates and Signing Certificates

PFX Files

If you have not already set up the certificates, you must have .PFX files for both certificates ready for Hub deployment.


You must enable a TLS/SSL connection in IIS when installing Hub with Active Directory.

  • 2048 bit public key.
  • Must be exportable.
  • Must be imported to the local machine Personal store.
  • Must be imported to the local machine Trusted People store (if using a self-signed certificate).
  • You should provide permissions to the MachineKeys directory for the application pool under which Hub runs in IIS

Signing Certificate

Hub requires a certificate for signing access tokens, used for authenticating requests to Hub APIs. The certificate has the following configuration requirements:

  • May be a self-signed certificate, if necessary.
  • 2048 bit public key.
  • Must be exportable.
  • Must be imported to the local machine Personal store.
  • The identity for the application pool under which the HotDocs Hub applications run must have permissions to the private key of the certificate. You configure these permissions after you install Hub.

You must also add the certificate's thumbprint to the HotDocs Identity Server application settings SigningCertificateThumbprint key during the installation process.

HotDocs recommends that you use a separate security certificate as the signing certificate for HotDocs Hub. However, you can use the SSL certificate as the signing certificate if necessary.


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