Configuring ApacheDS

You must configure ApacheDS before it can be used with the HotDocs Hub.

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Default Connection

To configure ApacheDS for use with HotDocs Hub

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Default Connection

The follow steps describe configuring a default connection between ApacheDS and HotDocs. Please refer to the ApacheDS documentation if you need to create a custom connection.

To configure ApacheDS for use with HotDocs Hub

1. Initial Connection Setup

  1. Run Apache Directory Studio.
  2. Follow the ApacheDS instructions to create a new connection.

Note: This guide refers to the uid=admin,ou=system default bind DN in later configuration steps. If you use a different bind DN, you should use that in place of uid=admin,ou=system.

2. Execute the LDIF file

  1. Expand the DIT node in the LDAP Browser pane.
  2. Select the Root DSE node.
  3. Select File > Open File.
  4. Navigate to the LdapFiles folder supplied with your HotDocs Hub installation package.
  5. Select the LdapInitialSetup.ldif file.
  6. Click Open.
  7. Click Execute LDIF to execute the selected .ldif file.
  8. Select your LDAP connection name from the list.
  9. Click OK.

3. Tenancy Configuration

  1. Navigate to DIT > Root DSE.
  2. Expand the dc=example,dc=com node.
  3. Right-click the cn=HotDocs group.
  4. Select Properties from the drop-down menu.
  5. Click both Refresh button in the Create and Modify Information section.
  6. Click the Refresh button in the Sizing Information section.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Right-click the entryUUID value from the cn=HotDocs group tab.
  9. Select Copy Value.
  10. Paste and save the value in a text file; the ApacheTenancy setting in the HotDocs Hub post-installation scripts uses this value later.

4. Set the root administrator e-mail and password

  1. Expand the cn=HotDocs group node.
  2. Select the cn=admin user.
  3. Edit the Email attribute.
  4. Enter the e-mail address for the root administrator.
  5. Right-click the userPassword attribute; the value set for this attribute is the password for the root administrator.
  6. Select Edit Value.
  7. Navigate to the New Password tab.
  8. Enter a password in the Enter New Password field.
  9. Enter the password in the Confirm New Password field.
  10. Select SSHA-256 from the Select Hash Method drop-down menu.
  11. Click OK.

5. Password Lockout Configuration (optional)

Optional: you can change the password policy to disable locking of accounts after five incorrect password attempts.

  1. Navigate to ou=config > ads-directoryServiceId=<default> > ou=interceptors > ads-interceptorId=authenticationInterceptor > ou=passwordPolicies > ads-pwdld=default
  2. Edit the ads-pwdlockout attribute.
  3. Enter FALSE as the value for the attribute.

6. Disable Anonymous Access

You must also disable anonymous access for ApacheDS, to prevent unauthorized users from accessing the server.

  1. Navigate to the Connections pane.
  2. Right-click the connection to the ApacheDS server.
  3. Select Open Configuration.
  4. Uncheck the Allow anonymous access setting.
  5. Select File > Save to save the configuration.

Next Steps

Install HotDocs Hub with User Management.