Capturing pre-upgrade configuration settings

You should have a record of your existing Hub configuration settings before upgrading HotDocs Hub to a later version.

The settings required by different types of installations are listed below.

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Installations with User Management

Installation with User Management and Active Directory

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Setting Name Description Use during Hub installation Default Setting Location
Server The name of the SQL Server used to store the HotDocs Hub databases. The setting is located in the database connection string. SqlServer parameter in the Invoke.ps1 post-installation script. C:\inetpub\wwwroot\HotDocsTemplateHubApi\web.config

User ID

The user used to connect Hub to SQL Server. This user must have read and write permissions to the Hub databases. The setting is located in the database connection string. SqlUser parameter in the Invoke.ps1 post-installation script. C:\inetpub\wwwroot\HotDocsTemplateHubApi\web.config
Password The password associated with the user above. The setting is located in the database connection string. SqlPass parameter in the Invoke.ps1 post-installation script. C:\inetpub\wwwroot\HotDocsTemplateHubApi\web.config
IIS hostname The name of the server on which Hub is installed. IisHostName parameter in the Invoke.ps1 post-installation script.  
IIS application root The path to the root installation directory containing the HotDocs Hub applications; e.g. C:\inetpub\wwwroot. IisAppRoot parameter in the Invoke.ps1 post-installation script.  
Signing Key Thumbprint Note: if using the steps below to retrieve the thumbprint, you may need to remove a hidden space from the beginning of the copied thumbprint.
The thumbprint of the Identity Server signing certificate. You must add the signing certificate to the LocalMachine\TrustedPeople store. See How to: Retrieve the Thumbprint of a certificate for more information. The identity for the application pool under which HotDocs Hub runs must have read permissions for the certificate's private key.
SigningCertificateThumbprint setting in the Invoke.ps1 post-installation script. Windows Certificate Store
EnableInterviews Enables interview functionality in the HotDocs Hub. The default value is true. EnableInterviews setting in the Invoke.ps1 post-installation script. C:\inetpub\wwwroot\HotDocsTemplateHubUI\web.config
HdCoreServiceUrl Only required by installations using HotDocs Cloud Services. The URL of the HotDocs Cloud Services instance used to generate interviews. HdCoreServiceUrl setting in the Invoke.ps1 post-installation script.  
CSRegion The name of the region to which your Cloud Services subscription is provisioned. Must be set to None for installations that use the on-premise HotDocs Web Services. CSRegion setting in the Invoke.ps1 post-installation script.



CSSubscriberId Only required by installations using HotDocs Cloud Services. The Subscriber ID used by the client to access Cloud Services. The ID is set in the Cloud Services Portal. CSSubscriberId setting in the Invoke.ps1 post-installation script.



CSKey Only required by installations using HotDocs Cloud Services. The Signing Key used by the client to access Cloud Services.  The Key is set in the Cloud Services Portal. CSKey setting in the Invoke.ps1 post-installation script.



Installations with User Management

See Installing Hub with User Management Overview for more information.

The SMTP server settings below are located in the HotDocsTemplateHubUI application > web.config file > SmtpConfiguration.

Setting Name Description Use during Hub installation Default Setting Location
Host The URI of your SMTP e-mail server. EmailHost setting in the Invoke.ps1 post-installation script. C:\inetpub\wwwroot\HotDocsTemplateHubUI\web.config
Port The port of the SMTP e-mail server. EmailPort setting in the Invoke.ps1 post-installation script. C:\inetpub\wwwroot\HotDocsTemplateHubUI\web.config
SmtpUserName The user account name for the SMTP e-mail server. EmailUsername setting in the Invoke.ps1 post-installation script. C:\inetpub\wwwroot\HotDocsTemplateHubUI\web.config
SmtpPassword The password for the user account name. EmailUserPass setting in the Invoke.ps1 post-installation script. C:\inetpub\wwwroot\HotDocsTemplateHubUI\web.config


The e-mail address from which e-mail are sent. EmailFromAddress setting in the Invoke.ps1 post-installation script. C:\inetpub\wwwroot\HotDocsTemplateHubUI\web.config
UseNetworkCredentials Enables the use of Network Credentials when connecting to the SMTP e-mail server. The default value is true. EmailUseNetworkCredentials setting in the  Invoke.ps1 post-installation script. C:\inetpub\wwwroot\HotDocsTemplateHubUI\web.config
EnableSsl Enables the use of SSL with the SMTP e-mail server. The default value is true. EmailEnableSsl setting in the Invoke.ps1 post-installation script. C:\inetpub\wwwroot\HotDocsTemplateHubUI\web.config


Installation with User Management and Active Directory

See Installing HotDocs Hub with User Management and Active Directory Overview for more information.

The ApacheDS settings below are located in the HotDocsUserAdmin application > web.config file > LdapServiceConfigurationGroup.

Setting Name Description Use during Hub installation Default Setting Location
ServerName The name of the server on which ApacheDS is installed. ApacheDS setting in the Invoke.ps1 post-installation script.


ServerPort The port used by the ApacheDS host. Must be the port configured during the ApacheDS installation process. ApachePort setting in the Invoke.ps1 post-installation script.



AdminUserName The administrative user account by Hub used to access ApacheDS. The default setting (uid=admin,ou=system) uses the ApacheDS admin user to connect the Hub to ApacheDS. ApacheUser setting in the Invoke.ps1 post-installation script.



AdminPassword The administrative user account password. The initial default value after installation is secret. You can change the password for the ApacheDS admin user in Apache Directory Studio. ApachePass setting in the Invoke.ps1 post-installation script.



DC The installation domain controller in ApacheDS. The default value is dc=example,dc=com. ApacheDomain setting in the Invoke.ps1 post-installation script.



ApacheTenancy The ID of the LDAP tenancy group in ApacheDS. The value is the entryUUID obtained during ApacheDS configuration. ApacheTenancy setting in the Invoke.ps1 post-installation script.


UseSSL Enables the use of SSL with ApacheDS. The default value is false. ApacheUseSSL setting in the Invoke.ps1 post-installation script.
