Installing HotDocs Hub without User Management

You can install HotDocs Hub without its user management components. This allows you to use your own security arrangements for securing access to the Hub.

It is strongly recommended that this configuration of the HotDocs Hub is not deployed on an extranet or public-facing server.

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Backup Post-installation Script

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See HotDocs Hub System Requirements for a full list of prerequisites.


To install the HotDocs Hub without User Management

  1. Open the Windows Command Prompt as an administrator.
  2. In the prompt, navigate to the directory containing the HotDocs Hub installation files.
  3. In the prompt, run the HotDocs Hub installer; the installation dialog opens.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Review and accept the License Agreement terms.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Expand the User Authentication node.
  8. Select the Entire feature will be unavailable option for the following components:
  9. (Optional) Click Browse to change the default installation directory.
  10. Click Next.
  11. Click Install.
  12. Click Finish.

To run additional installation scripts

Note: if you are using a Service account to connect to the Hub databases, you need to edit the Invoke.ps1 script. See Connecting to the HotDocs Hub databases without a username and password for more information.

  1. Extract the Post-Installation Files zip file provided with the HotDocs Hub installer.
  2. Run Powershell as an administrator.
  3. Change the directory to the Post-Installation Files > Scripts folder.
  4. Edit the Invoke.ps1 script in a text editor to customize the installation parameters; see Post-Installation Script Parameters for more information.
  5. Run the Invoke.ps1 script in Powershell, using the following command with your own values replacing the {placeholder} values:
    .\Invoke.ps1 -EnableOAuth2 {enable-oauth2} -SqlServer "{sql-server-name}" -SqlUser {sql-username} -SqlPass {sql-password} -IisWebSite "{website-name}" -IisHostName "{host-name}" -IisAppRoot "{hub-application-root}"

HotDocs Hub is now installed.

Backup Post-installation Script

Once Hub is installed successfully, you should make a backup copy of the post-installation script above. This will be useful if you ever need to upgrade your Hub to a later version.

Next Steps

  1. Installing HotDocs Server and HotDocs Web Services
  2. Install HotDocs Developer for template authors.
  3. Install the Upload Plugin for HotDocs Developer