Get the HotDocs Template Hub API application URL

You need the URL for the HotDocsTemplateHubApi application when you install HotDocs Web Services.

To get the HotDocs Template Hub API URL

  1. Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
  2. Navigate to Server > Sites > Default Web Site.
  3. Right-click the HotDocsTemplateHubApi application.
  4. Navigate to Manage Application > Browse; the application landing page loads in the web browser.
  5. In the web browser, copy the URL from the address bar; by default the URL is https://localhost/HotDocsTemplateHubApi.
  6. Substitute localhost in the URL with the name of the server on which the Hub is installed (e.g. example-server); for example, https://example-server/HotDocsTemplateHubApi.
  7. Add a trailing slash to the URL; for example, https://example-server/HotDocsTemplateHubApi/

Keep a copy of the URL; you require it during the Web Services installation process.