Post-Installation Script Parameters

You can customize the post-installation scripts used to configure HotDocs Hub. The table below describes all available parameters.

Required Settings

You must set the following parameters before running the Invoke.ps1 Powershell script. Settings that control interview functionality in the HotDocs Hub. The CSSubscribedId and CSKey settings only need to be set if you have a Cloud Services subscription.

Parameter Name Description Example Data
EnableInterviews Enables interview functionality in the HotDocs Hub. The default value is true. true
HdCoreServiceUrl Only required by installations using HotDocs Cloud Services. The URL of the HotDocs Cloud Services instance used to generate interviews.
CSRegion The name of the region to which your Cloud Services subscription is provisioned. Must be set to None for installations that use the on-premise HotDocs Web Services.
  • None
  • UnitedStates
  • Europe
CSSubscriberId Only required by installations using HotDocs Cloud Services. The Subscriber ID used by the client to access Cloud Services. The ID is set in the Cloud Services Portal. ExampleSubscriberId
CSKey Only required by installations using HotDocs Cloud Services. The Signing Key used by the client to access Cloud Services.  The Key is set in the Cloud Services Portal. ExampleSigningKey