Connecting to the HotDocs Hub databases without a username and password

If you intend to connect to the HotDocs Hub databases without a username and password (for example, using an application pool identity), you must edit the Invoke Powershell script used during Hub installation.

To edit the Invoke Powershell script to use Integrated Security

  1. Edit the Invoke.ps1 Powershell script supplied with the Hub installer files.
  2. Remove the Mandatory = $true text for the following parameters:
    1. $SqlPass – for example, [Parameter()] [string] $SqlPass
    2. $SqlUser – for example, [Parameter()] [string] $SqlUser
  3. Edit the connection strings for the following variables to use integrated security:
    1. $ConnectionStringPermissions
    2. $ConnectionStringTenancyResolver
    3. $ConnectionStringIdentityStore
    4. $ConnectionStringInterviews
    5. $ConnectionStringTemplates
    6. $ConnectionStringAnswers

For example:

$ConnectionStringPermissions = "Server=$SqlServer;Database=Permissions;Integrated Security=true;"