Adding a Placeholder Field for an Auxiliary Template
When you're editing a template, you use the HotDocs Field Editor to add a placeholder field to the template to reference an auxiliary template.
If you want to turn some of your current template into an auxiliary template, see Creating a New Template from Selection.
To add a placeholder field for an auxiliary template
- Open a template.
- Select the text you want to replace, or position the cursor where you want to add the contents of another template during document assembly.
- In the HotDocs Field Editor, from the Action list, select Add a placeholder.
- In the Placeholder type list External files group, click Auxiliary Template.
- In the Field properties Template file Name field, either click the drop-down arrow and select a file name, or type the name of the file (remembering to include the file extension).
If you type a file name that does not exist, (for a template) you can click Create Now to create a new, empty auxiliary template.
- The following tasks are optional:
- (Optional) Edit the auxiliary template by clicking the Edit button.
- (Optional) View or edit the auxiliary template's properties by clicking Template Properties.
- (Optional) Expand Advanced properties to edit further properties (such as Keep auxiliary template's header and/or footer).
- Click Add Field.