This document assumes you are a system administrator comfortable using InstallShield command-line parameters and/or using .lst files.
If you need to customize an Author installation beyond what the InstallShield wizard enables you to (e.g. if you want the format-related defaults written to the registry to adhere to UK or international standards) you can accomplish this in two different ways:
Author will then complete the rest of the installation unattended.
If you do not have an install.lst file in your Author installation folder, you can also create one.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Property Name="DEFAULT_LANGUAGE" Value="en-GB"/>
<Property Name="TEXT_FORMATS" Value="LIKE THIS~Like This~Like this~like this"/>
<Property Name="NUMBER_FORMATS" Value="9999~9,999~9,999.00~9.9~09~9 1/8~9th~nine~NINE~ninth~Nine Pounds and Twelve Pence~none~zero~IX"/>
<Property Name="DATE_FORMATS" Value="d Mmmm yyyy~DD MMM YYYY~d/m/yyyy~dd/mm/yyyy~dth day of Mmmm, yyyy~Dy day of Mmmm, yyyy~dth Mmmm~Dddd~Dddd, d Mmmm, yyyy"/>
<Property Name="TF_FORMATS" Value="yes/no~true/false"/>
<Property Name="LIST_FORMATS" Value="a, b and c~a, b AND c~a, b, and c~a, b, or c~a; b; and c~a, b"/>
<Property Name="DEFAULT_INPUT_MASKS" Value="UU 99 99 99 U~UU999999U~99:99 am~99:99 a.m.~99:99"/>